The Power OF Yoruba Talking Drums

Yoruba Talking Drums are Africa’s most essential and culturally significant instruments. The Yoruba people are an ethnic group living in West Central Nigeria who have been playing the Yoruba Talking Drums for over a thousand years.

The Yoruba Talking Drums are assertive communication, healing, and empowerment tools. Many people in Yoruba culture use them to help them connect with their ancestors and share messages of love and compassion with each other. They are commonly played at religious ceremonies, festivals, and other cultural events.

The Yoruba Talking Drums are made from hollowed-out logs covered with animal skin. The skin is then stretched over the sides of the records, sewn together, and wrapped around with thin strips of wood. Finally, the drumhead is made from dried cowhide or goatskin, which is tanned and dried.


What Is Special About Yoruba Talking Drums?

The Yoruba Talking Drums use tonal quality and prosodic patterns to imitate human speech. It mimics the tone and prosody of human speech by using varioustechniques to create sounds like words.

This makes them an excellent choice for communication between people who speak different languages or have different dialects. The drum is played with the hands and fingers, which produces different frequencies at various speeds.

The Yoruba Talking Drum is played in various ways, but the most common is two people playing together, one on each side of the drum. The player on one side uses a stick with a long handle to hit the drum while they play, while the second player holds a smaller stick and moves it up and down the drum’s surface.


Purpose of Talking Drums in Yoruba Land

A talking drum is an instrument used to communicate and pass messages from one person to another, from one community to another, and between humans and Gods.It is a human-made drum that uses percussion instruments to produce sound.

Talking drums are part of African culture and have existed for thousands of years. They were used to communicate between villages, tribes, and other groups of people, especially during war times when there was no phone or internet. They were also used for ceremonies and community events, which brought people together.

Talking drums are used by people who want to express their emotions through music. They help others understand what they’re saying without speaking directly with each other. They’re also loved because they help people feel closer when everyone sings harmoniously along with drumming.


Yoruba Talking Drums in Religious Services

Talking drums are used in religious services to create energy and excitement, bring the congregation together, provide a sense of community, promote social harmony,and encourage spiritual growth.

It plays an essential role in communication between the Gods and humanity and isalso used to call upon spirits during rituals. It is a way of getting closer to holy spirits.

The drum, made from a hollow tree trunk, is beaten with two sticks. When played correctly, the rhythm created by the drums creates a soothing sound that brings about relaxation and peace.

The Yoruba people believe that their Gods reside in every object on Earth and can be heard by anyone who knows how to play appropriately tuned drums correctly. Furthermore, they think playing your drum well will bring one’s spirit closer to God.  They also believe hearing the talking drums helps you better understandwhat life on Earth is like.


The Role of Yoruba Talking Drums in War

The Yoruba Talking Drums are considered a potent instrument. When played loudly enough, they can inspire warriors and increase their morale. The sound of talking drums can be compelling and inspiring, but it can also be used to communicate between soldiers and their commanders.

Some people believe that when you hear the talking drums, your ancestors’ voice tells you to fight bravely in battle.

The Yoruba fighting force used these drums primarily during times of war when they had to mobilise quickly or when they needed to retreat from an area surrounded by many enemies who wanted nothing more than to kill them all immediately upon discovering their presence.


Yoruba Talking Drum in Communal Labour

The Yoruba talking drum is a crucial instrument in traditional communal labour. It helps people to perform their daily tasks and activities. The drum’s primary function is to keep a rhythm and provide a platform for people to communicate.

A drum is an essential tool for communication, as it can be used to communicate information and instructions. These drums are played during collective work to keep the workers focused and motivated. The Yoruba Talking Drums can be heard at any time of the day or night as they call people out to work.


Yoruba Talking Drums at Political Campaigns

The use of Yoruba Talking Drums in political campaigns is because it has been used for centuries, i.e., to bring people together and help them feel a sense of unity.

The drums help make the candidate more appealing to the people and their concerns, which is why they are used at political rallies daily. They can also be used during speeches or meetings.

The Yoruba people believe that the drum has a potent effect on their lives and see it as a vehicle for communicating with their ancestors. Therefore, when you use Yoruba Talking Drums in political campaigns, you can encourage your audience to feel connected with their ancestors and hear their voices in return.

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