Authentic OFE AKWU Soup Recipe – Nigerian Delicacy


Welcome to Nigeria, where every cuisine tells a heartwarming story of tradition, culture, and community. Regarding Nigerian cuisines, the diverse flavours and textures can be overwhelming and incredibly rewarding to explore. One dish that stands out for its depth and richness is Ofé Akwu, a traditional palm nut soup from the southeastern part of Nigeria, particularly the Igbo ethnic group. This dish is delectably enjoyed by the people of Imo, Anambra, Enugu, Ebonyi, and Abia State, especially as a celebration of their cultural heritage and culinary ingenuity. 


Ofé Akwu, which translates to “palm nut soup” in Igbo, is a beloved dish in many Nigerian households. Its origins are deeply embedded in the agricultural traditions of the Igbo people, who have cultivated palm trees for centuries. Palm oil, extracted from the fruit of the palm tree, is a staple ingredient in many Nigerian cuisines, but the Igbo people take it a step further by creating this hearty and flavorful soup from the palm nuts themselves. The soup is often prepared during special occasions such as family gatherings, weddings, and celebrations. It symbolises hospitality and the sharing of cultural heritage. Each family might have its unique recipe, passed down through generations, adding a personal touch to the dish.


Nutritional Value

This wholesome dish is imbued with essential nutrients such as

  • Palm Oil, used for cooking the soup, is a good source of vitamins A and E, which offer antioxidant benefits.
  • Assorted proteins are essential for muscle growth and repair.
  • The vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals, including iron and calcium.

How to Prepare Ofe Akwu

Ofé Akwu is a rich and flavorful Nigerian dish worth every bit of the effort required to make it. Here’s a detailed recipe to help you prepare this delicious meal.


  • 4 Cups of freshly picked Palm Nut (or one can of palm nut cream concentrate)
  • 1 lb Goat Meat  or beef (cut into pieces)
  • Two medium-sized Smoked Fish (washed)
  • One medium-sized Stockfish (soaked and washed)
  • ¼ Cup Crayfish (ground)
  • 1 Tablespoon Ogiri (fermented locust beans)
  • Seasoning Cubes
  • Salt To taste
  • Pepper
  • One large-sized Onion
  • 3 Cloves of Garlic (minced)
  • 1-inch piece Ginger (minced)
  • Vegetables (pumpkin leaves or spinach) chopped
  • Water as needed


  • Prepare the palm nut oil cream by boiling the freshly picked palm nuts ( if you’re using fresh palm nuts). Place the palm nuts in a large pot, add enough water to cover them, and boil for 30 minutes until soft.
  • Drain the water, transfer the parboiled palm nuts into a traditional mortar, and pound them until the fibrous husk separates from the nut.
  • Extract the palm nut creamy base by straining the mixture through a sieve to separate the chaff from the oil. Repeat the process to extract as much cream as possible. If you’re using palm nut cream concentrate, prepare the concentrate by scooping the required amount from the can into a bowl and setting aside.
  • Place the goat meat or beef in a pot, add chopped onions, seasoning cubes, salt, and a little water. Cook on medium heat until the meat is tender. Add the smoked fish and soaked stockfish to the pot. Continue to cook for 10 minutes.
  • Prepare the soup broth by adding the extracted palm nut oil cream to the pot with the meat and fish. If the mixture is too thick, add water to achieve your desired consistency.
  • Add the minced garlic, ginger, ground crayfish, ogiri, and pepper. Stir well to combine all the ingredients. Lower the heat and let the soup simmer for 20-30 minutes. This allows the flavours to marinate properly.
  • Wash and chop the vegetables, i.e. Ugu (pumpkin leaves) or spinach. Add the chopped greens to the soup and simmer for 5-10 minutes until the vegetables are tender but still vibrant.
  • Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper as needed.
  • And your Ofe Akwu is ready to be enjoyed. Ofé Akwu is typically served with rice, which soaks up the rich, savoury broth, making every bite a delight. Some regions prefer to serve it with fufu or pounded yam, providing a different textural experience. Regardless of the accompaniment, the soup remains the highlight, offering a burst of flavour with every spoonful.

Tips for the Perfect Ofé Akwu

  • Use the freshest ingredients you can find for the best flavour.
  • Allow the soup to simmer to let the flavours develop fully.
  • Feel free to adjust the ingredients to suit your taste. For example, you can use different types of meat or add other vegetables.


Ofé Akwu is a dish that encapsulates the essence of Nigerian cuisine—rich, flavorful, and deeply rooted in tradition. Whether you are an adventurous foodie or someone looking to connect with Nigerian culture, this palm nut soup offers an authentic taste of the region’s cultural heritage. So, the next time you explore the vast world of Nigerian cuisine, savour a bowl of Ofé Akwu. It’s a journey worth taking.


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